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Black Molly

Black Molly

Regular price $3.99
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13 in stock



The Black Molly is a sleek and elegant livebearer with an all-black, velvety appearance that exudes sophistication. Its hardy nature, peaceful temperament, and adaptability make it a favorite for beginner and experienced aquarists alike. Black Mollies are active swimmers and thrive in freshwater or slightly brackish tanks, making them a versatile and stunning addition to any aquarium.

Care Level:

  • Ease: Beginner-friendly.
  • Water Conditions: pH 7.5–8.5; prefers hard, alkaline water.
  • Temperature: 72–82°F (22–28°C).
  • Tank Requirements:
    • Minimum tank size: 20 gallons.
    • Provide plenty of swimming space and decorations or plants for hiding and grazing.
    • Can tolerate slightly brackish water if gradually acclimated.
    • Regular water changes are essential to maintain stable water quality.


  • Behavior: Peaceful, active, and social.
  • Compatibility: Ideal for community tanks. Pairs well with other peaceful species like guppies, platies, swordtails, tetras, and corydoras. Avoid housing with aggressive or fin-nipping fish. Best kept in groups of 3 or more.


  • Adult Length: 3–5 inches (7–13 cm).
  • Growth: Males are typically smaller and more streamlined, while females are larger and rounder.

Additional Notes:
Black Mollies are omnivorous and require a varied diet, including high-quality flakes, algae wafers, and occasional blanched vegetables like spinach, zucchini, or cucumber. They are prolific livebearers, and females can give birth to fry every 4–6 weeks if males are present. If breeding is not desired, consider separating sexes or using a breeding trap. With proper care and a stable environment, Black Mollies can live for 3–5 years, providing elegance and energy to your aquarium.

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